DCI Mobile Content Festival 2006 Requirements

Games and Applications

Requirements for games and applications:

An experiment in gaming and application development for mobile devices
Presented by the Digital Convergence Initiative of the Texas Technology Corridor, Film San Antonio, Critical Mass Interactive, and HBMG Foundation/ArtSpark

Winners announced during the DCI March 14 event (specific date and venue tba) and online at dcitexas.org

Deadline March 5th 2006

The DCI is looking to address the current influence of mobile devices on our culture. Mobile devices have had a tremendous effect on our society and we are interested in how that new audience might best be communicated to in this new medium. It is our belief that this new medium offers special consideration that have yet to be suitably identified; the least of which is viewing size. Other considerations for this new form are cost per download, as well ergonomic concerns, etc.

Concept: MobileFest2006 is looking for mobile content submissions that explore the mobile lifestyle. The concept is most interested in content made for mobile devices, not so much made by them, although we certainly encourage you to push the envelope. Our criteria are extremely broad and we only ask that you keep word �mobile� in mind.

Call for entries: MobileFest2006 is looking for content created specifically for mobile devices, excluding laptops and table PC�s. Works in development will be considered as long as a �reasonable demo� is made available by the deadline. We will also consider previously designed work for this portion of the competition.

More Entry requirements:

- Made for mobile devices

- Submissions must be received by 12am on March the 5th.

- Submissions by email if under 2mb or mailed in the form of a CD. We will also allow for a location from which to download the submission.

- You may submit for any platform so long as it�s a mobile platform.

- A brief synapses of work(s), including what you used to create it, no more than 200 words as well as a 100 words biography of the company and developers.

- Entries must contain documentation, including without limitation, game rules and objectives, and instructions for using the device in question (joystick, game pad, touch screen, etc)

- If the Game Entry requires special equipment or hardware, such as force-feedback hardware, stereo-vision glasses, other headgear, graphics or audio cards, entrant must provide the necessary equipment and in such numbers so as to enable jury members to play the game. These items can not be returned!

- All submitted works must have the company name, name of work, and which portion of the festival you are submitting for game or application.

- No unauthorized use of copyrighted materials

- No nudity, violence, or extreme violence

- Submission are the entrants own original creation

- Submission will not be returned

- Neither the DCI nor any other party associated with the Contest is responsible for late, lost, damaged or misdirected Application/Game Entries.

- Address for delivery:

DCI Mobile Content Film Festival
HBMG Foundation
1033 La Posada Dr. Suit 310
Austin, TX 78752

Email for questions: mcf (at) dcitexas.org

Requirements for Film:

DCI Mobile Content Film Festival 2006

An experiment in film for mobile phones
Presented by the DCI, San Antonio Film Commission, HBMG Foundation/ArtSpark, and Critical Mass Interactive

Excerpts to premiere at C3 festival March 14th 2006

Deadline March 1st 2006

Submission time limit between 30-90 seconds

Screening online at dcitexas.org

The DCI is looking to address the current influence of mobile devices on our culture. Specifically, accepting the proliferation of mobile phones in our society and how to best communicate using this new delivery tool. It is our belief that this new medium offers special considerations that have yet to be suitably identified, the least of which is viewing size. Other considerations for this new form are cost per download, as well ergonomic concerns, etc. It�s only recently mobile phones have been able to reliably deliver, and in some cases record, video content. We wonder what the potential of handheld devices as cinematic tools of expression and experimentation is, and more importantly how might smaller screens affect the way we view video? Will 90 second soap opera episodes become the latest downloading trend? Lastly, how might the cinema change to conform to this new delivery medium?

Concept: MobileFest2006 is looking for �mobile phone� entertainment submissions that explore the mobile lifestyle. The concept is most interested in content made for mobile phones, not so much made by them, although we certainly encourage you to push the envelope. Our criteria are extremely broad and we only ask that you keep word �mobile� in mind. All forms of film are welcome.

Call for submissions: MobileFest2006 is looking for entertainment created specifically for mobile phones. You are welcome to submit all genre types, between 30-90 seconds in length. (No exceptions)

More Submission Guidelines:

- Made for viewing on mobile phone

- Submissions must be received by 12am on March the 1st.

- You may use any acquisition format you chose but submissions must be on miniDV format SP tape only

- A brief synopses of work(s), including what you used to create it, no more than 200 words as well as a 100 words biography of the artist(s).

- All submitted works must have the artist name, name of work, and which portion of the festival you are submitting for.

- No unauthorized use of copyrighted materials

- Submission are the entrants own original creation

- No pornography

- Submissions will not be returned

- Preferred aspect ratio 4:3 full screen NTSC

- Address for delivery:

DCI Mobile Content Film Festival
HBMG Foundation
1033 La Posada Dr. Suit 310
Austin, TX 78752

Email for questions: mcf (at) dcitexas.org