DCI News

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Mashup = convergence

I was reading through my daily feeds and stumbled on what can only be described as pure mind candy. This is something that as DCI'ers we need to seriously be considering for our annual conference. A mind meld sort of layout discussing the implications of just these sorts of issues. Mashup's are meetings where people get together to talk about things like what happends when you combine goggle map API and jogging, why is it important, and how do you make a living do it. Very very top notch idea in my book...

More for you to look at:)

Proposed Sessions

The Digital Convergence Initiative of the Texas Technology Corridor –

An opportunity to be a leader in establishing Central Texas as the world center of innovation for Digital Convergence.

As more intelligent, smaller digital machines are developed, as digital circuits evolve, and as digital communications becomes ever-more pervasive, they will continue to converge with computers, televisions, security systems, electric appliances, and many other devices, to provide new and useful functions for both the home and work environments.

This is Digital Convergence, and is the tip of the iceberg - the symbiotic coalescence of technologies, markets, and functions forming the foundation for present and future innovation and growth.

Download and read the DCI's report, Digital Convergence Initiative: Creating Sustainable Advantage in Texas. 3.5MB pdf file. Click here to download.

